
First United Methodist Church has a number of fine handbell ringers who contribute to our overall musical excellence. Due to the nature of ringing, some music reading is necessary to feel comfortable in our handbell ensembles. We offer two groups that both ring four to six times per year:

The Carillons is our larger group that rings 3-5 octave repertoire and rehearses Wednesdays in the Nave 6:15-7:00 p.m.

Hand in Glove is our new small ensemble consisting of 4-5 ringers that meets Wednesdays in the Nave 6:00-6:15 p.m.

A basic introduction to ringing is also available for musicians who are interested but who have no prior handbell experience. If you are interested in ringing, please contact our Organist & Choirmaster, Josh Sumter (jsumter@fumcor.org).